Oct 19, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Find Your Footprint Contest This fall, National Geographic is encouraging students in grades K – 12 to submit ideas and enter the “Find Your Footprint” contest.  The multi-media "Find Your Footprint" program includes online, on-air and print educational opportunities that focus on conserving energy, reducing waste and conserving water tips. 

Here's more information for students interested in entering this contest: 

  1. Pick one of these three themes:  Save Water, Reduce Waste, Save Energy. 
  2. Research how you can make the biggest difference in making both your school and the world a “greener” place to live. 
  3. Take your ideas about making your school's environmental footprint smaller to your school officials. 
  4. Working with your teacher, come up with ideas on how your classroom can impact your school's footprint. 
  5. Write up your ideas and illustrate your proposals with photos, movies and illustrations and send these in before December 3, 2010. 

Prizes range from National Geographic Kids magazine subscriptions to five Promethean interactive digital whiteboards (ActivBoards). 

Entries are being received through December 3, 2010. The contest is open to students and teachers from grades K – 12. 

Enter today and good luck!

Categories: Reading & Learning