Strengths and Benefits of ADHD and Dyslexia
Apr 7, 2015What are some of the benefits of ADHD and dyslexia? How does using a strengths-based approach help us all to better understand these processing differences? Let's rethink the deficits model.
How Learning A New Language Actually Rewires the Brain
Feb 17, 2015How can learning a new language rewire the brain? Take a look at the latest research into how the brain responds when learning a new language and how this has the potential to impact lifelong learning and cognitive control.
5 Tips For Success from Your Fellow Educators
Nov 18, 2014Customers from across the country – and even China – came together in Dallas, TX, to share and learn from others the best tips for success with Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant. Here are 5 tips you can learn from them!
Dyslexia Legislation is on the Rise. But Why?
Oct 23, 2014In the past few years, more than a dozen states have passed or proposed new laws to raise awareness about dyslexia through increased screening, intervention programs, and teacher training. What’s behind the surge in legislation?
Meet the 1st Queen of Literacy, Dr. Linda Nash!
Oct 21, 2014Dr. Linda Nash, Supervisor of Federal Programs/Grants in Cookeville, TN, has been crowned our first Queen of Literacy. She received 24% of all the votes cast (5,472!) and has won an all-expense paid trip to our National Circle of Learning Conference (virtual registration now open)! I caught up with Dr. Nash by phone to learn more about her life as an educator.
Congratulations to the 2014 Champions of Literacy!
Sep 29, 2014Scientific Learning is pleased to announce a select group of educators nominated for this year’s Champions of Literacy award. We recognize these educators, selected from across the U.S., for their commitment on behalf of students, parents, and colleagues.
Inside the Brain of a Struggling Reader [Infographic]
Sep 16, 2014When a child struggles to read, we look to factors such as socioeconomic status or access to books. But brain differences are also part of the equation and should not be overlooked.
Assessing ELLs for Special Education: 5 Pitfalls to Avoid
Aug 19, 2014When educating English language learners who are struggling, how do you know when it’s time for a special education referral? How can you be sure you are assessing ELLs fairly, not mixing up linguistic and cultural diversity with cognitive ability and intellectual functioning?
Top 10 Tips for Working With ELL Students
May 13, 2014How can you help your ELL students participate more fully in the classroom so they can achieve to the best of their ability? Try these 10 tips for supporting English learners in improving their language skills and subject knowledge.
Summer Learning Programs, ELLs and the Achievement Gap
Feb 25, 2014Pages