Response to Intervention and Special Ed Stats: Progress Report

May 7, 2013 by Norene Wiesen
Very few learners who enter special ed ever exit—only about 3%. The Response to Intervention model seeks to change that statistic. How has it performed so far?

Why Dr. Timothy Rasinski Thinks Reading Fluency Should Be “Hot!”

Apr 23, 2013 by Norene Wiesen

Reading fluency is often misunderstood and undervalued by educators. Find out why boosting fluency is one of the keys to improving comprehension.

Brain Myths in Education: Making Sense of Fact vs. Fiction

Mar 12, 2013 by Norene Wiesen
Some “brain myths” that have found their way into education are right on target, while others are outright wrong. Can you tell the difference?

"What’s in the Common Core, but Missing in Your Curriculum” webinar by Dr. Martha Burns

Jan 29, 2013 by Scott Sterling
In a recent webinar, Dr. Martha Burns discussed how the Common Core State Standards focus more on  the “process of learning” than any previous educational standards. She reviewed the importance of executive functions to higher order thinking skills and shared-- how the Scientific Learning products can help students master the skills needed to be college and career ready.

How a Low Performing School Achieved Double-Digit Gains

Nov 20, 2012 by Scott Sterling

Dr. Martha Burns from Scientific Learning and Mr. Charles Wilson, Principal of Korematsu Discovery Academy, presented a live webinar that discussed how Korematsu achieved a double-digit test-score gain and emerged from PI status in only two school years

What Educators May Not Know about the Neuroscience of Learning

Nov 6, 2012 by Scott Sterling
In a recent webinar, Dr. Paula Tallal discussed her original research on auditory processing, its relationship to language development, and the far-reaching effect that deficiencies in those area can have on learning.

Eric Jensen Links New Brain Research With Teaching in New Webinar

Oct 23, 2012 by Scott Sterling
In a recent webinar for Scientific Learning Corporation, author Eric Jensen summarized current research about the brain and strategies that could be implemented in the classroom with all students.

Demystifying Executive Functions in Preschool Children

Oct 9, 2012 by Scott Sterling

In a recent webinar, Dr. William Jenkins, a leader in the field of childhood brain development and one of the founders of Scientific Learning, presented on the importance of executive functions in the development of preschool students.

Join Us for Our 2012 Fall Webinar Series for Educators

Sep 4, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Our fall webinars begin this week and include topics on how the brain learns and how to increase student achievement.  Register today!

Characteristics of Rapidly Improving Schools with Bill Daggett

Jun 19, 2012 by PC Munoz
Contrary to popular opinion, schools in the US are getting better at educating students for the 21st century. Find out what the most rapidly improving schools have in common from Dr. Bill Daggett, CEO of the International Center for Leadership in Education.
