4 Little-Known Facts about Poverty and the Brain (And What Educators Can Do about Them)

Sep 18, 2019 by Amy Takabori

Poverty and The BrainMany educators at Title 1 schools are increasingly implementing brain-based teaching and learning. What do Title 1 educators need to know about the impact of poverty on the brain? More importantly, how should school leaders apply brain-based learning to teaching? Keep reading to learn 4 little-known facts about poverty and the brain, plus 3 specific strategies educators can use in their Title 1 schools.

3 New Research Findings on Fast ForWord

May 17, 2016 by Kristina Birdsong

Fast ForWord ResearchFast ForWord is one of the most researched reading interventions ever created, but what are researchers saying about it lately?  Here are three takeaways (translated from neuroscience-speak into terms you can understand) that have practical application for those interested in improving skills for those with dyslexia, auditory processing, language and reading issues. 

How a Low Performing School Achieved Double-Digit Gains

Nov 20, 2012 by Scott Sterling

Dr. Martha Burns from Scientific Learning and Mr. Charles Wilson, Principal of Korematsu Discovery Academy, presented a live webinar that discussed how Korematsu achieved a double-digit test-score gain and emerged from PI status in only two school years

Student Reading Improvement Nearly Doubles In Just 24 Days

Jun 28, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Student reading improvement nearly doubled for 208 1 stand 2 ndgraders after 24 days using Fast ForWord Reading 1 software from Scientific Learning. Watch our video presentation of the research study.