Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom
Jul 11, 2019 Today’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.
Inspiring Students to Read This Summer
May 22, 2019The end of the school year is approaching, and students are looking forward to vacation. Educators are ready for a break, too, but are also thinking about students losing momentum during summer. How can we encourage kids to continue to read and learn, when we know that some setbacks are statistically probable?
Lifelong Learning and the Plastic Brain
Apr 23, 2010
The ability of the brain to change itself is termed brain plasticity or neuroplasticity. How do we translate this knowledge of neuroplasticity into success for all learners?