Explore the Power of Play: Attend the Ultimate Block Party in NYC this Sunday, 10/03/10

Sep 30, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Explore the power of play at the Ultimate Block Party on 10/03/10 in NYC’s Central Park.  This event is for children of all ages and  emphasizes the importance of play in everyday life.

Video Games: A New Perspective on Learning Content and Skills

Jul 22, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Today’s digital native students want the interactivity that they experience outside of school—and that includes playing video games for learning. But can they really game their way to new skills?

Brain Research, Learning & Literacy: Webinar with Dr. Bill Jenkins

May 28, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

What happens in the brain when we learn language?  Be sure to take advantage of this unusual opportunity to learn from a brain plasticity expert via pre-recorded webinar.

The Brain Gets Better at What it Does: Dr. Martha Burns on Brain Plasticity

May 21, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Dr. Martha Burns is an extremely knowledgeable and highly sought after speaker, so I'm pleased to let you know that an interview she gave on brain plasticity while in Australia is now available online.

How to Motivate Students: The Psychology of Success

May 7, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

How can educators best motivate students to learn?  Stimulate their brains on a neurobiological level to optimize each student’s internal learning environment!  Learn more...

The Technological Lives of Today’s Students

Apr 16, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.

Today, students’ lives are steeped with technology in all its shapes and sizes and forms. If we wish to understand our, we must not only understand that mindset, but embrace it.

Apply for the “Science of Success” Classroom Microgrant for Teachers!

Apr 13, 2010 by Denise Ruvalcaba

How would you use brain research findings to create the best learning experiences for kids?  Enter your project idea for a chance to win $200 and a Flip Video camera or iPod nano®.
