10 Ways Teachers Can Recharge Over the Summer

Jul 3, 2019 by Karla Wang

Summer is finally here, and you know what that means! Summer is a great time to relax and get away from the stress of teaching, grading papers, and dealing with rowdy kids. From self-care routines to discovering new locations, here are 10 amazing ways teachers can unwind and de-stress over the summer.

Social Skills in the Digital Age: What’s Screen Time Got to Do With It?

Apr 15, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

Most of us who spend time with kids know that good social skills are a must for navigating life. But many children today are not developing the social skills they need to effectively handle interpersonal relationships. Is screen time getting in the way?



The Benefits of Downtime: Why Learners’ Brains Need a Break

Dec 17, 2013 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

With so much to do and so little learning time in a school year—fitting in downtime is easier said than done. That’s unfortunate, because research shows that time off-task is important for proper brain function and health.

Stress and the Human Brain

May 31, 2012 by Paul Nussbaum
Why is it harder to learn and remember things when we’re stressed?  Discover the brain physiology of stress, and find out how to calm your brain for better cognitive functioning.

Free Webinars on Brain Health and the Science of Learning – Register Today!

May 17, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Summary: Join us in June for two live webinars: brain health with Dr. Paul Nussbaum and the science of learning with Dr. Martha S. Burns. Register today – you don’t want to miss these sessions!

Six Reader-Selected Posts in Honor of Our 2nd Blogaversary

Jan 5, 2012 by Norene Wiesen
In honor of our 2 ndblogaversary, we asked our readers to share their favorite posts from the Science of Learning blog . Read their responses and check out the posts that inspired them.

Creating Safe Learning Environments: How Classroom Management Influences Student Performance

Nov 15, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Bullies and intimidating teachers can impair classroom learning. Find out how creating safe learning environments can boost student engagement and help students learn better.

Modeling Healthy Choices: Three Habits for Optimal Brain Health

Nov 10, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Optimal brain health is influenced by the small choices we make every day. Follow these 3 easy steps to help your brain stay healthy.

Shaming Some Kids Makes Them Aggressive

Nov 3, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Many people believe that kids who are aggressive and violent toward other kids suffer from low self-esteem.  What does the research say?  Read this article to find out.

Of Rats and Men: How Stress Affects the Brain

Nov 1, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Did you know that stress can cause physical changes in the brain?  Find out what recent studies reveal about how stress can impact brain function, and how long the effects may last.
