Our Top Four Webinars: Summer Learning

Jun 28, 2018 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

popular webinars Interested in summer Professional Development? Take a look at our most popular webinars from the last year. Enjoy listening/watching them from anywhere and learn the latest on how the brain learns, reading, dyslexia, autism, and more!

Why I've Supported Fast ForWord for 20+ Years

Nov 1, 2017 by Eric Jensen, Ph.D.

Eric JensenWhen students read poorly, they often generalize it to other subjects (“Maybe I am just dumb”) and most things in school can become overwhelming. That’s painful to watch. How would you like to have joyful, confident readers? How would you like this for free - zilch, nada, zippo? 

Our Top 5 Most Popular Webinars: Watch Now!

Jul 26, 2017 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Summer PD webinars watch nowMake the most of summer by watching our 5 most popular webinars from the last year. Recorded webinars can be viewed from anywhere so pull out your computer, your tablet, or your smartphone and start your summer learning. Enjoy!

Underperforming Student Success Strategies

Nov 15, 2016 by Eric Jensen, Ph.D.

eric-jensenWhen students come to school every day, here's their question to teachers: are you on my side or not? Are you a friend or a foe? Are you an ally or adversary?  See what practical classroom activities Dr. Eric Jensen recommends to build relationships and get results with your students -- you'll see their progress skyrocket. 

Poverty's Effect on Working Memory

May 3, 2016 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

PovertySometimes it's easy to think a child isn't paying attention because they're being defiant, or dare we say it - "lazy"? This is usually not the case, especially for children from poverty, and it behooves us to understand better what's happening in their brains. Read Dr. Eric Jensen's poignant and timely messages about how to help students from poverty build the skillls that will break the cycle of underachievement. 

Register Today for our Fall Webinar Series!

Sep 16, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Alan November, Eric Jensen and Bill Daggett will be joining Scientific Learning for the fall webinar series starting this month.  The webinar series is designed to share the latest information and developments in educational technology and neuroscience.