Online language and literacy intervention uses the principles of neuroplasticity to target the root causes of slow academic progress in struggling students
Media Contact:
Hallie Smith
Director of Marketing
Scientific Learning Corporation
(619) 795-6509
Oakland, Calif. — March 19, 2015 — The Fast ForWord® program from Scientific Learning Corp. has received an official endorsement from the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE), an international professional organization affiliated with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). CEC’s members are dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual in society. CASE provides leadership and support to members by shaping policies and practices which impact the quality of education.
Fast ForWord earned the endorsement after meeting or exceeding all of the CASE criteria. CASE bases its endorsements on a rigorous evaluation of a wide range of criteria including the product’s research base, application with students who have learning differences, application in diverse settings, performance in field tests, customer satisfaction, and enhancement of professional practices advocated by CASE.
“The CASE Executive Committee believes the Fast ForWord program provides a truly effective way to help students make rapid improvements in their cognitive, language and reading skills,” said Dr. Luann L. Purcell, executive director of CASE. “What stood out during our evaluation was the Fast ForWord program’s extensive research base and its proven results with students with learning differences, including students with disabilities, Tier 3 intervention students, and English learners. We saw ample evidence of its impact on student learning and achievement with a wide variety of student populations and ages.”
While the Fast ForWord program is used by a variety of student populations, within special education it has been proven effective for students diagnosed with a specific learning disability, autism, auditory processing disorders, specific language impairment, and dyslexia.
“Students with learning disabilities don’t need traditional reading intervention, they need foundational cognitive, language, and reading skills to process the curriculum, and then a way to intensely and repeatedly practice these skills with timely feedback and support,” said Robert C. Bowen, CEO of Scientific Learning. “What makes Fast ForWord different from other reading interventions is how fast it works to treat the underlying causes of language and reading difficulties. With a strong foundation and increased cognitive capacity, students continue to make remarkable gains even after they are no longer using Fast ForWord.”
Fast ForWord uses the principles of neuroplasticity — the ability of the brain to rewire and improve — to target the root causes of slow academic progress in struggling students and English language learners. It was developed by neuroscientists to address reading skills while concurrently developing memory, attention, processing and sequencing skills. Students who use the program make fast progress, producing significant changes in behavior and academic results in as little as six weeks. They continue to make gains long after finishing the program.
About Scientific Learning Corp.
Scientific Learning accelerates learning by applying proven research on how the brain learns. For more information, visit