
Media Contact: 
Jessica Lindl
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Inside Sales
Scientific Learning Corporation
(510) 625-6784

Investor Contact: 
Jane Freeman
Chief Financial Officer
Scientific Learning Corporation
(510) 625-6710

Oakland, Calif. — Aug. 28, 2012 — With the implementation of MySciLEARN™, Scientific Learning’s new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, Scientific Learning Corp. (NASDAQ:SCIL) and its customers have made significant strides to help more students than ever accelerate their acquisition of the cognitive, language, and reading skills essential for learning success.

Since the MySciLEARN™ on demand platform debuted earlier this year, more than 50 percent of the company’s customers have moved to the new platform. Further, in the second quarter of 2012, the vast majority of renewing customers upgraded to the MySciLEARN platform.

Murray County Schools in Georgia is one district that made the leap to the new web-based platform for its Fast ForWord® implementation, which grew from two schools to all 11 schools during the 2011-12 school year. As such, the Fast ForWord software is now in use before, during and after school, and is available to students who are homebound or not able to attend school. The district also plans to introduce Reading Assistant™ software to students this fall.

“In this economy, it’s critical to identify issues early so we can make the most of our time and resources. The MySciLEARN platform makes it easy to access and view information at the district, school, teacher and student levels, and to use real-time data to make instructional decisions that have an immediate impact,” said Allison G. Oxford, Ed.S., director of instructional support services for Murray County Schools. “Although our full district implementation began only in January of this year, our students achieved one year and five months of growth in only 54 days on the program. At Murray County High School, many students have been able to pass the English Language Arts component of the Georgia High School Graduation Test — and graduate — because of this program. We believe very strongly that Fast ForWord provides an effective way to fill in gaps and address each student’s needs, particularly with those students who have not achieved success with traditional instructional methods.”

The web-based MySciLEARN platform gives educators and students a quick and easy way to access proven, research-based educational software products anytime, anywhere. With no physical disks to install on individual student computers, schools can use the platform to rapidly deploy the Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant programs, and get up and running quickly. It is scalable for any size district and supports a variety of implementations, from one student to thousands of students in computer labs, classrooms, before- and after-school programs, and at home. Further, because the Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant programs can be accessed anywhere, schools are no longer confined by traditional limitations such as the number of computers in a lab or the number of minutes in a class period or school day.

For districts and schools grappling with reduced budgets this school year, the MySciLEARN platform also gives educators the flexibility to implement the Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant software with students who are most in need. As grants or additional funding becomes available, they can then easily expand the programs to additional students. In addition, the MySciLEARN platform provides a single access point for easy-to-use student gain reports and training resources, all designed to save time and maximize the effectiveness of administrators, teachers and reading coaches.

“This past year has been one of tremendous transformation at Scientific Learning,” said Robert C. Bowen, CEO of Scientific Learning. “With the introduction of the MySciLEARN platform, we are emphasizing our customers’ success by adding improved accessibility and ease-of-use to the positive learning results for which we are known. The on demand platform provides an easier, more affordable and more flexible way for schools to access the proven benefits of the Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant programs. We’ve received an excellent response from our current and prospective customers.”

About Scientific Learning Corp.

We accelerate learning by applying proven research on how the brain learns. Scientific Learning’s results are demonstrated in over 250 research studies and protected by over 55 patents. Learners can realize achievement gains of up to two years in as little as three months and maintain an accelerated rate of learning even after the programs end.
Today, learners have used over 3 million Scientific Learning software products. We provide our offerings directly to parents, K–12 schools and learning centers, and in more than 40 countries around the world. For more information, visit www.scientificlearning.com or call toll-free 888-810-0250.

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